10 Best Cheat Sheets That A Programmer Must Have


HTML5 Cheat Sheet:

HTML5 is the fifth and most recent version of HTML. This markup language finds its use in presenting the content on the web and helps in its proper structuring. HTML5 is also being widely used in the cross-platform applications that could be easily run on any device.

HTML5 Cheat Sheet

CSS3 Cheat Sheet:

CSS3, the latest CSS standard, is totally compatible with the earlier CSS versions. This web styling language described the look of a web document when it’s written in HTML.

CSS3heat Sheet

JavaScript Cheat Sheet:

JavaScript is also known as the programming language of the web. This lightweight programming language is used to create dynamic websites and web apps. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the 3 core technologies of the World Wide Web.

JavaScript Cheat Sheet

Python Cheat Sheet:

This widely popular and general-purpose programming language is easier to learn. Python promotes code readability and lets coders express themselves in fewer lines of code. Its large standard library is often called Python’s biggest strengths.

Python Cheat Sheet

Java Cheat Sheet:

Released by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java has become the cornerstone of many applications and websites. This fast and reliable language outshines by eliminating the language features of other languages that cause coding errors. Java also finds its use in Google’s Android OS.

Java Cheat Sheet

PHP Cheat Sheet:

This widely popular and open source scripting language cab be embedded in HTML and finds wide use in the web development process. PHP is a simple language for a newcomer but it’s good to have a prior knowledge of HTML and CSS.

PHP Cheat Sheet

Ruby Cheat Sheet:

Designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto, this object-oriented and dynamic scripting language is used to develop apps and websites. Just like Python, Ruby is an easy-to-learn programming language for the beginners. Ruby also powers the Ruby in Rails framework, which is used on GitHub.

Ruby Cheat Sheet

C# Cheat Sheet:

Pronounced C-Sharp, Microsoft developed this programming language by combining the principles of C and C++. This general purpose programming language finds a wide use in coding Windows software.

C# Cheat Sheet

Swift Cheat Sheet:

Swift is today’s hottest programming language that should be a priority of every aspiring programmer. Recently open sourced, this language from the kitchen of Apple is used to code apps for iOS platform and Apple devices.

Swift Cheat Sheet

SQL Cheat Sheet:

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose programming language that’s widely used for managing data stored in relational databases. SQL was initially developed at IBM and initially called SEQUEL.

SQL Cheat Sheet

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